Baseball Season is quickly approaching. We are getting ready to stock up on sunflower seeds and sun block. It's the crack of the bat, the cheer of the crowd - the "Safe" yelled by the umpire that we long for. What else does this mean......?

Below are some tips if you would like to join me in the quest.
1. Always think ahead - it is very hard to prepare for a 6-hour day, and meet everyone's needs at the last minute.
2. Staples to have on hand - sandwich meat, fruit, nuts, and healthy protein bars. We like Clif bars. I try to keep sugar and corn syrup out of the mix.
3. Use your crock-pot and your thermal containers. For early morning games we pre-make breakfast burritos, roll them in foil and keep them hot in a thermal container.
4. I also like to make baked potatoes and keep them warm in a crock-pot - my suburban has a plug that will keep the crock-pot on - if you don't have this you can get a converter from Radio Shack and use your cigarette lighter. I then make several toppings and keep them in the cooler.
5. Pack a plastic tablecloth and plenty of paper goods, once people see what you have they will want to join you. I also bring extra food.
6. Sodas are the biggest downfall at the games because the kids get tired of water, load the cooler with 100% juice boxes and fruit juice soda. We like Izze brand.
7. Give in once in a while - I let them splurge with a snow cone - but only at the end of the day. It keeps the asking to a minimum when I have already said yes and set the time line.
Baseball is a great tradition and a season looked forward to in our home. With proper preparation we can enjoy it even more knowing that we are building our immune systems with the food we eat.
So take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks (once in awhile)
And enjoy the game! PLAY BALL!
I love you for so many reasons...mostly because you make me feel "normal!"